This year will go down as the hottest on record for New Jersey.
This year will go down as the hottest on record for New Jersey.
The Old Bridge Municipal Utilities Authority has received 2 million dollars in loan forgiveness from the NJEIT low-interest loan program for three Sewer Division projects which total $14,500,000 and are scheduled to be constructed this year.
Anyone interested in working for the Old Bridge MUA should contact the Administrative offices to obtain an employment application.
This application will be kept on file and reviewed when positions become available.
Our July, 2013 Consumer Confidence Report is available for viewing or downloading under our documents section.
The Old Bridge Municipal Utilities Authority has recently had testing done on both our incoming water from Middlesex Water Co. as well as our own municipal wells. They have passed all tests and any radiation that would be related to the Japanese Nuclear Disasters are undetectable.
On January 5, 2011, Governor Chris Christie signed into law one of the most restrictive fertilizer content standards in the nation for nitrogen and phosphorus. The law is being implemented in three phases.
The OLD BRIDGE MUNICIPAL UTILITIES AUTHORITY is one of only four Authorities in New Jersey to have complete transparency as outlined in the report of A. Matthew Boxer, NJ State Comptroller. Only seven of 587 local agencies had complete transparency.
How much do you know about the bottled water you drink? Not nearly enough, according to a new report released today from Environmental Working Group (EWG). “Bottled water companies try hard to hide information you might find troubling,” says Jane Houlihan, senior vice president of research for the Washington D.C.-based research and advocacy group
Many localities in New Jersey are teaming up with local law enforcement to provide a day for the public to turn in unused prescription medicines for proper disposal. Trace amounts of pharmaceutical waste have been found in water bodies and this occurs in part because people unknowingly are not properly disposing pharmaceuticals correctly by flushing unused medicines down the toilet. Sewage treatment plants are not designed to remove 100% of such chemicals and trace amounts are left behind.