To more easily accommodate customers and visitors we are renovating the front entrance, walkway, and porch. Although this renovation was designed for the ease and comfort of all customers, it was specially planned with the needs of handicapped access which will include a modern ramp way as well as railings. These photos show the upgrade work as it is still being performed.

OBMUA Old Entrance
Due to the extent of this upgrade, it required the removal of the old shrubbery, walkway, and other landscaping that was in need of replacement anyhow.

OBMUA New Steps
The new steps and ramp are of concrete, and the railings will be installed in such a manner to provide safety, functionality, and visual appeal. The new landscaping and walkway will also be an attractive enhancement to the building and neighborhood.

Cost saving maneuver
As much in-house labor and equipment as possible are being utilized as a cost-saving maneuver. The in-house workers are performing their portions of this project between their water and sewer line repair tasks, and when their daily workload is low.

Worker performing measurements.
The photo above simply depicts a worker performing measurements and preparation for installing such things as the lead-up walkway, sod, and brick pavers.

Lettering is being upgraded
The old faded and obscure O.B.M.U.A. lettering on the Administrative Office (as seen in the first photo) has also been upgraded to new lettering that is attractive, clearly visible and bears the entire name, Old Bridge Municipal Utilities Authority, thus eliminating any possible uncertainty for customers and visitors approaching and entering the Administrative Offices. Our goal is customer and visitor ease and comfort.

Walkway Area
The two photos (above and below) show additional progress as some walkway areas now have the brick pavers installed. This portion of the job is not complete yet, as you can see brick pavers stacked aside still awaiting installation. No planting of grass or other vegetation has been started yet for the two obvious reasons that it would be damaged by the brickwork being performed and the recent extreme summer sun, heat, and dryness would pose a problem for it to flourish.

Walkway Progress
All of the layout and installation of the brick pavers is being performed by in-house workers during times when their regular workload is low, and in between system repair and maintenance tasks. You might notice that you see no workers in the two photos above. That’s because these pictures were taken on the weekend. However, all safety precautions such as cones and safety tape have been employed to alert and protect any passers-by from inadvertently entering the work area. We at the Old Bridge MUA are highly safety-conscious in all aspects of our operations.

Decorative Blocks
In these two photos (above and below), you will see the continuing progress. Notice the decorative block curbing and stone walls that have now been added at the edge of the walkway and around the perimeter of the concrete ramp. In the area between the curb, wall, and the ramp there is sufficient room for the planting of attractive foliage, yet to be determined.

Decorative Blocks
The next photos show the renovation continuing, with the greenery starting to be replaced, as previously mentioned to make the Administrative office building look attractive as well as providing a visually appealing site that enhances the neighborhood as well.

Vegetation is planted
Additional progress is being made, as shown in this pair of photos (above and below) with the beginning of shrubbery and vegetation being planted. Now with the hottest part of the summer hopefully behind us, the plantings will take root with some regular watering. As an added feature, at an extremely low cost, much of the shrubbery is surrounded by or planted within raised areas of dark mulch for an added appeal.

As in many previous photos, there is nobody present, because these photos were taken during the weekend. This work has also been performed by in-house Old Bridge MUAworkers in between their regular daily job tasks of the water and sewer system repair and maintenance.

Sidewalk removed
In the photo above you will see we have removed the sidewalk. We are pouring a new concrete sidewalk, not simply for visual appeal, but to improve safety. The old sidewalk contained cracks, uneven sections, and deteriorated areas where someone might have injured themselves. We can’t stress enough, our safety-oriented mindset.
In addition to the safety and visual appeal of the new sidewalk and lead-up walkway, you cannot help but notice the safety tape, stanchions, and cones to prevent anyone from wandering into the construction area where they could possibly be injured.
Just below, we’ll show you side-by-side examples of bad sidewalk versus new.

Sidewalk After

Sidewalk Before
Above: There can be no mistaking a deteriorated, uneven, cracked and potentially unsafe sidewalk from our newly poured one. Photographs were obviously taken at different angles, times, and different cameras.
Below: During the same timeframe of pouring our new sidewalk, we were also installing new sod to replace the old grass areas that had been damaged or intentionally removed as required during this renovation project.

Replacement Sod
The photo above shows our own workers installing some areas of the replacement sod. As already mentioned numerous times, almost this entire renovation project was performed by our own employees during times when their regular workload was light, and in between their daily tasks of maintaining and repairing the water and sewer systems. Many of our employees have been noticed eating their lunch while working on this project. That in itself, means they have even worked through their lunch time!

Administrative Office
Although not yet 100 percent complete, the photo above shows the overall status of the Administrative office front renovation and upgrade project as of mid-September. There are still some items that need to be completed, which include the porch and ramp railings as well as modifications to the main entrance doors for ease of handicapped access and overall functionality.

Handicapped Access
The railings have been installed on the porch and ramp. The design, layout, material, and even details such as color and style were carefully considered to incorporate functionality, safety, durability, and visual appeal. The main entrance doors have also been upgraded and modified for overall functional operation and especially ease of handicapped access.
Please note small inset in lower left corner of the photo above that shows a close-up view of the automatic entrance door opener push-button actuator. This actuator is located just to the right side of the main entrance and can be utilized by anyone who would have difficulty in opening the entrance doors manually. We are very pleased to finally have this feature available for our customers or visitors who would otherwise experience difficulty in opening the main entrance doors.

Detail Rail
The photo above shows the replacement fence that is immediate along the sidewalk for the entire length of our facility’s southern extent. We have replaced a many-decade-old chain link fence that had well exceeded its lifespan, with sharp edges, damaged areas, patches, and severely rusted sections. The new fence is safe, functional, and a visual improvement to the neighborhood as well as to our facility. The photo above also contains an inset at the lower left corner showing a close-up view of the fence style, material, and color. It was our intention for the style, and design of this fence to compliment the design and style of our office entrance railings to provide a uniform appearance.

New Attractive Front
Above, you can see several aspects of our upgrade project in one photo. We have also added a few simple, but attractive benches for customers or visitors to sit and rest outside if desired, while waiting to attend to the business of their visit, or afterward.

OBMUA Oct 2010
This photo (above) of the Old Bridge MUA Administrative Office, taken October 2, 2010, shows the progress so far, and growing near to completion. We believe we have accomplished our desired goals of this project. We also hope that our customers, visitors, and nearby residential neighbors are also pleased with the upgrades and enhancements we have performed, by providing them safe convenient ease of access to our Administrative Office as well as improving the visual character of the immediate neighborhood.
This page was last updated: October 2, 2010
As a an informative service to you, we’ve followed this project through its various stages in great detail with photos and descriptions. You might possibly see additional updates on this project if conditions permit.
We also wish to show you other Old Bridge MUA activities in the near future that would include actual water and sewer system repair, replacement, and upgrade projects